2024/25 waiting list now open - form below!
Since opening both lakes at Teakettle Fisheries have come on leaps and bounds producing some excellent fish to the mid 40lbs. Across the two lakes we have over 30 fish above 30lb or more with a good supplement of mid doubles to high 20s. There really is something for everyone at this carp fishing venue.
This carp fishing syndicate is located close to Peterborough and Whittlesey with good access routes from all across Cambridgeshire. To inquire about joining this syndicate and have access to both of these brilliant lakes scroll down to fill out the form below.
Season runs 1st May – 30th April every year. £650.00 per season per angler.

Whittle Mere - Carp fishing syndicate
Whittle Mere is 20 acre flooded gravel pit located just to the east of Peterborough which has been managed on a syndicate basis since 2013 (it was largely unfished prior to that).
Although relatively young, extensive landscaping has created a wonderful-looking fishery, with 21 well-appointed swims each with plenty of water and features. The lake holds around 300 carp with the average size being around the 20lb-30lb mark. There are currently around 20+ 30lb+ carp with the biggest going to the mid 40lb mark.

Thorney Mere - Carp fishing syndicate
This beautiful 10 acre flooded gravel pit sits next to Whittle Mere on the Teakettle Fisheries complex.
It is more natural than its neighbour Whittle Mere, surrounded by mature trees and with extensive marginal vegetation. This lake now has 16 well placed swims which have been purposely kept as natural as possible. Limited fishing has taken place, but mirrors up to 37lb have been caught. We have recently also stocked this lake with an additional 130 carp from the on-site stock pond to supplement the stunning original stock of around 50 fish.
Some of the fishing syndicate carp

Interested in Joining Teakettle Fisheries?
Use the form below to join the Teakettle Fisheries waiting list. Please note when you have submitted the form you'll receive an email to 'confirm your subscription', you'll need to accept this to continue this enquiry.
Fishery rules
We have worked hard to create a fishery that you and your fellow anglers can enjoy, we do not make rules for the sake of making them, therefore breaking the lake rules will lead to you being asked to leave. Your membership will be cancelled and you will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid. Thank you for your anticipated understanding of the fisheries position with regard to this issue.
- The gate to the entrance to the fishery must always be locked behind you. ALL GATES MUST BE CLOSED, LOCKED AND ELECTRIC HOOKS REPLACED PROPERLY. If you are caught not following this rule you will be banned immediately - no excuses accepted.
- DO NOT jump over the fences, gates or pass any items of tackle/equipment over the fences ever - instant ban for anyone caught. The fence is our only line of defence against otters and we take it’s maintenance seriously.
- Under no circumstances should you give access to the fishery to anyone who isn’t a member or hasn’t got permission from the bailiffs to fish with you. ALL Guests are to be approved by a fishery bailiff
- You must ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION FOR ANY GUEST before you arrive at the fishery. Permission must be grated each and every time. You may only have one guest. Failure to do so may result in you all/both being asked to leave.
- Parking will be in the designated and signposted areas, you may drop your tackle at the swim before parking, and all swims have parking within approximately 20 metres. No vehicles are to be parked behind swims unless you are loading or unloading.
- During the wetter months we close the track inside the gates - meaning ALL VEHICLES are to be parked at the gates and no further. We’ll advise when this happens. Do not block the gates.
- You may not arrive or depart from the fishery after 10.00pm or before 6.00am, if the gate at the top of the main road is locked, it must re-locked after you use it.
- You can only fish for a maximum of 72 hours. Please leave 48 hours between sessions. Permission is required from a fishery bailiff for longer periods.
- Under no circumstances are you allowed on the fishery boats. You are not insured.
- All litter to be taken home with you, including dog mess, cigarette butts and wet wipes. Litter attracts mice and rats meaning a more uncomfortable stay for you.
- Bring a bucket or your own toilet facilities with you. DO NOT use the venue as a personal toilet. Take ALL personal hygiene products away with you.
- No dogs at the venue unless authorised by the Bailiff.
- Your membership does not permit you to fish the Reservoir.
- During spawning only the bailiffs will advise when the lake is closed. If carp begin spawning whilst you are fishing do not fish for them or fish close to them. Common sense should prevail for the welfare of the carp.
- Please do not abuse our staff. They do this job entirely for free and in many cases at their own expense. They are here to ensure this facility remains excellent and that the members are fishing safely. Anyone abusing our staff will be asked to leave and not return.
Swim/Peg rules
- Pike fishing is not permitted anywhere on the fishery. You will be banned if you are caught.
- Have respect for your fellow angler; do not cast into each other’s swims. If you are unsure go round and ask.
- Never damage bank side trees, shrubs or reeds.
Tackle rules
- Minimum line strength of 12lb. Braided mainline is not allowed for fishing rods.
- Maximum hook size is a size 6. No barbless or bent hooks.
- Your rigs must be safe, if you are unsure please ask. If the lake becomes weedy then leaders and lead core will not be allowed. Make sure all leads can be ejected easily on lead clip set ups.
- No naked line set ups. All rods must have a length of (at least 30cm) tubing, safe-zone leader, leader material, or lead core above the lead and/or on chod rigs.
- Rig checks can and do happen at anytime during the year. Only the bailiffs will ask to see your rigs. Please be respectful if asked.
Fish safety rules
- Never bring a carp sack on to the fishery. Instant ban for those found to be using them.
- Please ensure you have medication to treat hook holds or scale damaged carp.
- Large, sided unhooking mat required at all times with high sides. All fish to be photographed over the unhooking mat and returned as soon as possible.
- Never leave your rods unattended this includes leaving them with an authorised guest whilst you have a chat in the next swim down or go to bait a spot. The ticket is yours, not your guests. Maximum of three rods fishing per angler. This includes your float rod.
Bait rules
- No peanuts, tiger nuts or nuts of any kind are allowed. Other particle baits are allowed but please ensure they are prepared properly.
- Bait boats are not allowed. An exception may be made for disabled anglers but must be agreed with a fishery bailiff.
Please note that you use Teakettle Fisheries facilities entirely at your own risk. Under no circumstances will Teakettle Fisheries or its shareholders and employees be held responsible for any injury to yourself and/or loss or damage to your belongings. If you notice anything of concern, a member breaking the rules or non-members onsite fishing or otherwise please contact a Teakettle bailiff. All phone numbers can be found on the gate the Whittle Mere.It is your responsibility to read these rules and abide by them. You are provided with a set of rules upon joining this syndicate and we expect you to read and follow them. Anyone who takes it upon themselves to ignore our rules and are caught - will be dealt with accordingly.